Saturday, August 30, 2008

To ALL my faithful readers

To all my faithful readers,
Just a little update. I know you will all be pleased to know that the day after my Postal post, I did in fact install the new mail box by the curb. I labored and sweat ferociously that next morning and now, three mail days later, the mail man has not put mail in it. He is bringing it to the door and putting the mail in the box mounted on the wall...and I have left my front door open! Oh well, he can have it his way. I did my part and at least I haven't been visited again by the Post MASTER. Though the day after he did not deliver it, I received two days worth of mail and the previous day's was labeled "unsafe." Go figure...
I love my mail carrier! This must just be some fun game! Thank you Lord for the excitement and challenge of keeping my mannerisms.

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.