Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going "Postal"

This is so darn irritating I just have to laugh! God is working on me in many ways and today was just another one of "those days." Some of you already are aware of the fact that the gentleman who delivers our mail is horribly afraid of dogs. I don't want to dwell on a person's fear but hey, I admit that I am afraid of water, therefor, I do not intentionally go into bodies of water larger than my bathtub...
I have a dog. I have two dogs! When I had only one, I was ever-so politely informed, first by the mail carrier and then by the Post MASTER, that my rottweiler MUST be on a chain or in the house for mail to be delivered to anyone on our street. A chain link fence was no answer. So, with this warning, I obediently kept Maggie in the house until the mail had been delivered around 10:00 AM, no big deal, right? But soon our mail began to be unpredictable, being delivered anywhere between 10 AM and 4 PM. Not so cool for an animal that must relieve herself just as a person does...but I obeyed.
Though I felt like I was doing everything in my power to maintain my animal, I just wasn't doing enough. See, I have a glass storm door attached to my front door (which is where my mailbox is located) and though I feel like it is a safe confinement (LOCKED), our mail carrier thinks otherwise, especially after he seen the second rottweiler staring at him separated only by a glass door. And thus, I was visited AGAIN by the Post MASTER. The word "master" is just intimidating in my book...
So, I am no longer allowed the freedom of sunshine through my door on a sunny day if I want the luxury of my mail being delivered to my house. Okay, fine! I'll deal with it! But now comes the part that I have children who don't always remember that the mail has yet to run it's unpredictable route. So today, for the third time, the front door has been left cracked open though the dogs where secured in another part of the house for cleaning purposes. But the mailman doesn't know that the dogs where put away nor does he care, he didn't deliver the mail which is what happens the day before I get the visit by the lovely MASTER of the Post. This time it will be to inform me that I am a lousy dog owner and will now have to pick my mail up at the Office of the Post. Perilous, I know with four kids and a busy home school day. So my answer? I spent my "Mommy's Day Out" shopping for a mailbox that will stand by the curb. My goal is to have it up first thing in the morning so that when I get served the infamous letter by the MASTER he can see that I am diligent to obey, that it just took me a few tries to get it right.
Is that what happens with God? I don't believe so. Instead of God threatening us with the possibility of the loss of His presence, he just keeps giving us 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc., etc., etc., tries. He never gives up on us. As long as we keep trying, he keeps encouraging us to succeed. He is a patient God who loves us despite our iniquities and He is ever faithful because He knows the blessings He has in store for us. I am going to keep trying to get it right!


  1. well this is easily the most ridiculous situation I've heard about all day- believe me my day is generally riddled with them. A locked glass door for goodness sakes! Good grief this poor postman needs counseling! God bless you for not "going postal" during all of this!!

  2. Been there, Nikki! Only our "vicious dog" was a calm Border Collie and easy going Chesapeake Bay Retriever! Both incredibly non-intimadating dogs. Silly postmen! Hope you got your box up and things settle down. Thanks for sharing this story; made me smile.


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.