Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23, 2008
When you all read this you will be reading some questions I have answered while going through a book I am reading. I am sharing this because it is important for you all to know.
The First question: The heart is easily captured by other people. Think of a time when another person unexpectedly won your heart?
This was an easy question to answer. I remember walking through the halls of Kingman High School. I actually think that I was coming out of the library and Looked to my left and there she was the most beautiful girl in the world. From a distance, she had long beautiful black hair and she was wearing a red button up shirt with a collar, with the sleeves cut off. It was like the sun hit her just right. It was amazing, it was perfect. That day was the first time my heart was captured, by the most amazing women in my life, my now, Wife.
The Second question: Giving our heart away is a key to happiness why are people so reluctant to do that.
My answer I think it is a combination of things, one in particular is being scared. Giving your heart up to someone opens your heart up to be hurt. And with that people associate it with pain, but what people don’t understand is that your heart has to be open to receive too. When it is closed off, it can’t let anything in also. So it is a very delicate balance, that if you go to one extreme to the other it can hurt, but it also can be rewarding.
The Third question: Who has your heart? God, Wife and family.
How is it that they “have your life”. God has my heart because he has been watching every move, guiding my every step. I can’t explain to you how many times he has been there for me. Or even possibly explain to you the things he has done for me. But what I can say is that he is an amazing God.
Just one very vague instance, I say this because I have learned that sharing my testimonies with everyone sometimes, the point that I am trying to get across doesn’t always register with a lot of people. So I say this hoping you all understand , if not sort of pick up what you need , so I say this with great respect, every time I think I know something or do something I am humbled. One morning I was praying to God for clarity, and I got it.
My beautiful Wife, that alone is a testimony in itself, because I tell you what, without her I don’t know what life would be like. This journey my family and I have been on, have been rough and rugged, but almost everyone knows that everything in my life was never easy. One of the greatest gifts God has blessed me with is perseverance. I say this humbly because God didn’t bless me with smarts, but he has given me what I needed, and in this world it is God, my beautiful wife, and my beautiful kids. There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for my God, wife and Kids.
I would like to end with this you could spend the rest of your life wanting love or you could spend the rest of it receiving love. I find it easier for me to receive it. My amazing God, wife and family have all humbled me, and taught me this. It is easy to give up. That is what makes life so great, and that is what makes it so worth it, because if it was easy it wouldn’t be worth it. You know for 8 yrs of my life I have been searching, it took me 22 yrs to find and receive God’s love; it took me 8 yrs, to be with the greatest women in the world. Love is always out there. I love you dear, I love you so much. I may not be there to show you, but I am. I love you.
John 15:9 “I have loved you as the father has loved me, remain in my love.”


  1. Dear Howard,
    What a testimony to love, Nikki, your children, and
    to God!! What a blessing you are to all of them, and
    to us. What love comes through your answers to your
    book's questions! God has you right where you are for
    a purpose.
    You are so right: GOD, WIFE, and FAMILY.
    You are so right: Humans ARE afraid to be hurt. BUT
    when we hold back, we miss the full measure of the JOY
    of giving----which is receiving in return.
    Many times we give to people who aren't ready to
    receive. That's OK. Christ gave to everyone, and many
    have chosen not to receive HIM. Many people we give
    to, we won't get anything back from, but over time,
    love comes back from someone else, who hardly knows
    us. That is what you and your family have done for
    George and me.
    It's like picking flowers from a field of
    flowers----we can't pick them all, so we pick a
    few----doesn't make the beauty of the few or the many,
    less beautiful.
    So keep on answering the questions in that book with
    your heart, and God will fill your heart with more
    LOVE. Because the more we give, the more we receive.
    We love you, we thank you for your service, we miss
    you. Hugs and kisses across the line. My George sends
    his love and best wishes, too. Pat

  2. Howie!! I just want to say...I am so proud of you. For what you have achieved and what you have given to Nik. I have NEVER witnessed someone who loves so wholeheartedly as yourself. You are truely a blessing to all those around you. You have made my sisters life whole!!! For that I will always love and respect you. I am oh so happy to see that you guys survived all that you guys went through at the beginning. I could have been sooo easy to give up. I hope all is well for you wherever you may be. Be blessed and know that you are in all of our prayers. Love you Howie!!



I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.