Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Stink is in the Air

Tonight was a little bit different for the Jonesy Household. We were blessed to have some good friends over for the full day, sharing two meals together, followed by fellowship at their home church. I thought it would be great to step out of my comfort zone and worship in a new light.
So it was. Safe and yet different. Not far out of my comfort zone at all. Probably not any in fact. What has been different though has been this new "attitude." I feel like it is swirling in like cigarette smoke in an enclosed room. At the moment it is a small amount, almost nonthreatening, but I know that soon it is going to engulf my whole house and atmosphere; sbefore long my home is going to wreak of this devastating air named "Bad Attitude."
It is currently making it's fumigating home upon one of my children and this child is becoming increasingly SMELLY! So that is my delima at this time. Quite a challenge when I think of how easy it would be if my hubby were home, in which he is not! So, this is where I step out of my comfort zone and learn to not depend on human strength...This is a task for a God-sized can of aerosol. Lord, feel free to spray at anytime!!!

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.