Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If I had of listened to my mamma...

If I had of listened to my mamma...

If I had of listened to my mamma, I wouldn't have skinned my knee so many times as a kid.

If I had of listened to my mamma, I would have made better grades in school and gone straight into college.

If I had of listened to my mamma, I wouldn't have had my heart broken so many times.

If I had of listened to my mamma, maybe we would be best friends.

If I had of listened to my mamma, I would have never cried as many tears in my lifetime.

What it she had of listened to her mamma, what would I be like?

If I had of listened to my mamma, I would never have found my soulmate.

Will my daughter listen to her mamma?

1 comment:

  1. HA! Highly unlikely, so prepare yourself in advance :o) Us daughters tend to be off on our own adventures most of the time. All you can do is give the right foundation, let go as you fling them out of the nest, and pray, pray, pray!


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.