Tuesday, September 2, 2008


My walk with the Lord
(02 Sep 2008)
You know the amazing part about life is being able to love unconditionally. There shouldn't be any conditions on love, just the freedom to love someone wholeheartedly with no restrictions. The best part about it is: God gave that freedom to us. At the top center of this blog you will see two pics of my wonderful kids who i love so much and have been a blessing to me since they came in to my life. On the right you will see my little Xander kissing his sister with love, and on the left you will see me holding the most precious, most beautiful, and most encouraging woman of God as well as being the greatest blessing God has given me in my life. Darling, and to those who see this blog, without God's unconditional love for me what you see in these pictures wouldn't have been possible; without God's love and without your love Darling. You have been an awesome blessing to me Darling and thank you for loving me. I know this life is tough, but God wouldn't have put you in my life if you couldn't handle it. I will close with this, God has done amazing things with me and my family and they say pictures speak a thousand words. If you look at these pictures you will see that God is the center of our lives and the blessing doesn't come with conditions and rules, it comes with unconditional love from God.
Isaiah 40:8
"The grass whithers and the flower fades but the word of God Stands forever"
John 15:9
"I have loved you even as the father has loved me, remain in my love."
John 3:16

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.