Monday, September 22, 2008

1787, our Constitution was signed by our founding fathers and God was there! 1791, the Bill of Rights was added to the amendments to "forever" establish our rights as free Americans and God was there! 1914 was the beginning of WWI and though blood was poured, God was there. 1969 was the year we realized that man could step foot on the moon and of course, God was there. Our country fell to our knees in desperation in 2001 and though we couldn't understand "why," God was still there!!! Did you notice him?

When you wake up in the morning thinking of the upcoming day do you feel the big squeeze on your heart? He is hugging you, telling you good morning. Do you notice him? When you lay down at night, do you selfishly say "thank you God, but I am too tired to talk. I know you understand that I need my sleep," and then doze right off or maybe lay and think of the days events or tomorrows worries? Can you count on one hand or maybe even count at all how many times a day that you acknowledge him? Give thanks in everything, and in everything sing praise to the Lord.
He was there then, He is here now, and He will be there tomorrow. I pray that God would awaken your heart and open your eyes. He's everywhere and He is WILD about YOU!!!

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.