Friday, October 24, 2008

I am fed up with all of you CHRISTIANS!!!

Do you know that 85% of Americans claim to be Christians? That is 224,457,000 people. That means that only 15% of our country's people are of either some other religion or are atheist and believe nothing at all. That is crazy! Do you realize that you could walk into Wal-Mart filled with 100 people and ask them if they believe in God, statically, 85 people would answer yes. But here's the kicker, what if you then asked those 85 people what they did with their "Christianity?" Do they...
  • Do they regularly attend church to be in the presence of the Lord and the body of believers or do they just sit in the back pew of the church to earn feel good points for the week? Do they attend church at all?
  • Do they thank God continually throughout the day for the unnoticed blessings is in their life?
  • Do they offer prayer to the sick woman standing in line at the grocery store or do they just pray that she doesn't come close enough to catch what she has and quietly condemn her for going out in public like that?
  • Do they teach their children about the Lord?
  • Do they admit to their friends that they are a "Christian" with firm moral values or do they just pass forwarded emails around with the hope of receiving a blessing for sending it to 7 people while hoping that those 7 people don't get offended and take them off of their friends list?
  • Do they organize ministry to reach out to those who are lost?
  • Do they offer their time to others who are organizing ministry to those who are lost?
  • Do they even know the price to claim to be a "Christian" in persecuted countries? Do they care?
  • Do these people do anything other than claim that they are a "Christian?" Do they know the definition of "Christian?"
"a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ"
  • Do they know what Christ taught?
I am angered at the atrocity of these people who falsely testify to being a "christian" but have no knowledge of our Lord nor of the value of what He did for us! Back to the saying, "you can sit in your garage all day long saying 'I'm a car, I'm a car,' but that doesn't make you a car." Get out there and do something PEOPLE! Live like you have something to live for. Remember: there are consequences to lying, even if it was a well intended lie such as proclaiming to be a "christian"; the road to hell is paved with good intentions; and if we confess with our mouth but then turn the other way, we are putting a stumbling block in front of others and we will reap the consequences.
REMEMBER this in our election...


  1. You go girl - except I must confess to the "please God keep the sick lady away from me" thoughts. I pray for her, but I also pray to be protected from her illness - for me, exposure to someone with a simple cold means pneumonia and 10 to 13 weeks struggling to breathe with a strong likelihood that I could end up hospitalized and on a ventilator... so yup, sick people freak me right out!

    Also, I usually explain to the sick person that, the courteous thing to do, if you are sick and absolutely have to go out in public is to protect everyone else from you - wear a respiratory mask. It's inexpensive and solves the problem when you absolutely have errands you have to take care of. Been there, done it.

    In the winter, I am often forced to wear a respiratory mask out in public because so many people who are sick do not observe this common courtesy for everyone else. In the end, my responsibility is to protect myself. And yes, most of the people I share the above with look at me like I am completely bonkers!

    On the election front, I'm praying at 9 p.m. every night with a group of people about this election - specifically asking that God's will be done for this country, that our leaders be the ones that God intends, and that our basis in judeochristian theology in our laws and governance be preserved. Join us -- 9 p.m. easter time

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.