Friday, October 24, 2008

To lose those we love

There are moments in all of our lives when we feel beaten down and just utterly alone. Stagnant.
This blog is not a wallering-hole for self-pity but an online journal to give others insight into the struggles and joys that we face as a christian family in a world that doesn't carry our same views. As well as looking into the life of a path less traveled, it is also an insight into the lonely world of a military family.
The other day I was part of a conversation that took place revolving around what we lose when we choose to follow Christ and it was made known that it is a common thing to lose your family,or for them to at least begin to think that you have gone of the deep end. In my life, I have seen that happen. I have watched as those I love so dearly have withdrawn from me becuase they don't fully understand the change and I, myself, have withdrawn from alot due to things and lifestyles being less appealing to me. I am by no means judgemental...I try VERY hard at that, but it seems that others are afraid that I am just because I have chosen to change my life. Though to some, this issue may seem trivial, but to me it is enormous. I struggle with knowing that my choice to follow Christ came with a price tag. A very large one. But although the price was tragic in my eyes, I know that to God it is only pennies. A small sacrifice in comparison to what He gave and that it was not in vain.
So, though at times I feel as though I walk this dusty trail alone, I know that it isn't so. And as I am slowly separated from those that I hold dear to my heart, God is replenishing my life with new faces and atmospheres that only bring me closer to another horizon.

1 comment:

  1. right there with you girl - there is definitely a price - I've lost many people during this walk -but God IS SO, SO GOOD TO ME! He's always replacing those people for me with even stronger, more substantial bonds with other people determined to do their best to work a saved life. Hang in their with your loved ones, you may be the catalyst for them turning their lives over to the Father! I just had this conversation with a deacon at Valley - his entire family turned their backs on him when he became saved -- gradually over time, they have also come to Christ - Praise GOD!


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.