Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is it possible?

As most of you know, I struggle with the endless energy of my soon to be six year old with the conception of "he's just a boy." But last night at the birthday party, as I made small talk with a dad of one of the children there, I was brought face to face with a whole new concept. His son is "allergic to dies." Okay, at first thought I was sure that this was legitimate, but later in conversation I was led to ask more key questions which soon brought the truth of home diagnosis and treatment into view. There it was and crazy. Or was it? I had to come home and investigate.
There really is a study linking preservatives and dies to ADHD. WOW. Now lets put it into action.
Any Normal Day: restlessness, back talk, argumentative, angry and defiant.
DAY 1: we started the day off with coffee, yep, black coffee for the youngster. Paid attention to preservatives and non organic foods and drinks enter his wee little mouth. Spent 3 hours at Wal-mart with 4 tricycle motors and had not one fit. No anger. No back talk. Bought a pack of gummy candy, 20 minutes later, he is picking at his sister trying to start a fight, running through that house jumping over toys as hurdles, and was not interested in helping out at supper time.
Is this my answer??? We'll see, after all, God intended us to eat "natural" foods.


  1. Nikki, You should talk to the Thibodeaus about food dye allergies. Their daughters have severe reactions to food dyes and they have read a lot about the subject.

    Hope you're doing fantastical! It was good to see you Sunday!


  2. Hey Nikki,

    Something to check your food labels for is "high fructose corn syrup" (HFCS). This can often be the culprit for the behavior you are describing (hyperactivity of the sugar high - grouchiness when it wears off). HFCS can often be found paired with dyes (which many do have a sensitivity to and certain dyes are worse than others). Just another thing to watch for - just because a food is dye free doesn't mean it will be HFCS free and that can cause problems as well. Another fun thing to look for on food labels!

    Jess K


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.