Sunday, October 26, 2008


In 2 1/2 weeks I will begin the journey home. In reality, I have been on this journey for 3 years now. I never would have thought that I would be apart from my mamma both physically and emotionally for that long of a time. But God can move mountains and a mountain was sure what had come between us! I have been praying for this day since the day that the mountain was set into place. I am fully aware that ALL of my prayers may not come to pass but for now I am just thrilled that the bridges are being restored and our relationship is being repaired.

It is going to be a big trip. The kids and I will be there for a couple of months if all goes according to plan. If it doesn't, I know where home is and I have a home in Virginia waiting for me. But as of now, I am asking all of my readers to lift my family up in prayer. I will be facing my past and the demons that were left there. I just ask that you stand in prayer with me that I will not be spiritually attacked by the enemy and that all of the enemy's plans be foiled. May the Lord's will be done in that place!

For those of you who do not know this yet, here is my secret...keep it safe, it is a surprise for my children. Daddy is coming home!!!! YAY!!! I will slip out while the kids are with relatives and get him from the airport and bring him to them. They will be so surprised, I cant wait to see their faces. Oh, how I cant wait to lay in bed with my husband and the baby as she gets to know her daddy in those quiet moments in the morning before everyone else wakes up. For me, that is the most precious time with her and I cant wait for Daddy to enjoy it as well. She was 3 1/2 months old when he left and bless her little heart, she doesn't even know she has such a wonderful daddy. But she will, though only for a short time. This is only a "teaser" but he will be home for good soon enough. I know that this visit is going to leave us heartbroken again but I am just thankful that he gets to come home for my mamma's. So readers, please be in prayer for that as well.

Dear readers, I love you. I feel honored that you would take the time out of your day to read my blog but I do need to say something that God had put on my heart. My post the other night was from an angry heart and I do apologize. I did prayerfully consider retracting that post but in response to my prayers, the answer is not what you may want to hear. I understand that everyone has their reasons for any and everything that they do. That is between you and God and I will by NO means judge you. I am a sinner. But if you were angered by my words, then that is conviction and that too is between you and God. Conviction is one of Gods methods to changing our hearts and sometimes it hurts.

1 comment:

  1. God's mercies be with you while traveling. I'll be praying for a successful outcome. Just keep in your mind and your heart, everyone sees and perceives things through a different filter, keep trying to see all of it through your momma's filter and go at the situation with love, then ask God to fix any mistakes you might make. Update during your stay and let us know what you specifically need prayed for.


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.