Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Vindicated-vin-di-cate [vin-di-keyt]
-verb (used with object), -cat.ed, -cat.ing.
1. to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like: to vindicate someone's honor.
2. to afford justification for; justify, subsequent events vindicated his policy.
3. to uphold or justify by argument or evidence: to vindicate a claim.
4. to assert, maintain, or defend (a right, cause, etc.) against opposition.
5. to claim for oneself or another
6. Roman and Civil Law to regain possession, under claim of title of property through legal procedure, or to assert one's right to possession.
7. to get revenge for; avenge
8. obsolete. to deliver from; liberate
9. obsolete. to punish
November 2007...He came home heartbroken. His dreams shattered. Eight years of dedication and sacrifice stripped away with his honor, by the choice a man who seen him as just some Bible thumper who did not have his priorities in line, according to a social mind-set though not according to the Word of God. As he walked thru the door, my heart, that had prayed feverently for days and sick with anxiety, was broken as well. The pain on his face made the realization materialize that not only was his dreams and accomplishments in vain but that our family was now in a financial crises though still committed to live this military lifestyle with the exception of the luxuries that we had come to know and depend on.
Knowing that, with all of my sound intentions, I could not comfort my husband at this moment, I resorted to leave him laying in his own despair and thoughts and sit on the back deck, grabbing my Bible in the motion. As I sat with my bible in my lap, I cried out to the God of my hope, my rock, my fortress...my God who did not answer my prayers and grant us our hearts desire in that moment of decision. God why? God why? God WHY??? I screamed in my thoughts as the tears rolled down my face. In hope and faith, I opened by Bible.
Job 12... Okay, this seems appropriate, I guess. So there I began:
Job 12:1 " Then Job replied: Doubtless you are the people, and wisdom will die with you!......" God why cant you just give me the answers that I need where I can understand? WHY!? WHY!? and so, I continued reading...Job 12:6 "The tents of marauders are undisturbed, and those who provoke God are secure--those who carry their god in their hands." ~SPLAT~ No, No, God...Why? A bird? REALLY? After all of this today, now a bird is going to POOP on my bible, my most treasured possession!!?? and so I cried..... I took a business card that was in my bible case and carefully scraped the gooey mess from the page opposite of what I was reading and finally found my resolve to continue reading where I left off. Job 12:7 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;" Huh? No way? In haste I scrolled to the wet spot on the opposite page. Job 13:13 "Keep silent and let me speak; then let come to me what may. Why do I put my life in jeopardy and take my life in my hands? Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face. Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverence, for no godless man would dare come near him! Listen carefully to my words; let your ears take in what I say. Now that I have prepared my case, I know I will be vindicated." Now, with even more haste, I urgently ran to my husband to bring him comfort from God's Word...
Very shortly after, I found out that I was prgnant with our 4th child. After a previous very ill NICU baby, this pregnancy proved to be incredibly difficult both physically and in faith. Because of the trials of the prior November, my husband was able to be present for the pregnancy (both in and out of the hospital), delivery, and NICU stay for our premie baby before deploying for 12 months, a feet that I would have endoured alone if things had not of transpired in the manner that they did.
Now, nearly 3 years later, we have kept the faith through a 12 month deployment, prevailed through yet another difficult pregnancy and sick newborn, and encountered numorous other trials while still clinging to the promise of God. Our 5th baby, Danae (vindicate) Ayana (He answers) Kalin (faithful), is our outward confession of that faith as well as our license plate which reads "VINDKTD" LOL. We trust in God's Word....as we are waiting (still). I cannot wait for the day that we can leap with the joy of our testimony that had made us lame. God has so much in store for us all but we must keep our eyes on Him.

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.