Friday, November 28, 2008

Finally an Update

Okay, so I have been gone for a while. First off, we made it to Texas safely but my mamma does not have Internet at her new house yet. Second, my grandmother went on a ventilator last week and my dad went on one as well in, my half-cross-country trip turned into a complete cross-country trip. I am currently in Arizona. My hubby came home on R&R and the next day we set out to come here with my sister and kids in tow. Thank God for that mini van!
I regretfully admit that my grandmother has brain damage. She is off of the ventilator and we are just waiting. I pray that I will make it back to Texas in time to attend her funeral. My dad on the other hand is at a point of waiting. He was extibated this morning but is not showing much progress. Tonight I sang to voice was inherited from him as well as what training I have came from him. I hope he wasn't secretly critiquing me! :) As I sang, his heart rate increased and his breathing became rapid. He started trying to move his head to face me but he was still just blank.
It is hard to see him like this. Later, when I have more time (later might be in a month or two), I will share some insights into my relationship with him. I am thankful that I am here. It is hard but I am thankful.
Also, today was Brydon's 7th birthday. It was hard for him, but tomorrow I will share some pictures of my dad with him that might help him to understand a little better as to why we made an emergency trip here and he missed Thanksgiving and his birthday party. It is just a tough time for us all. Now I am beginning to really understand all of the prophecies, dreams, and visions that were being shared with me over the past two months. God is really using me, though it is in a way that I wasnt so sure I could ever handle. The hardest part though was telling my grandfather whose wife was on a vent in one state that his son was on one in another. But God gave me the strength in that moment and I was able to share my faith and pray with my grandfather finally learning that he DOES believe in our Lord. What a relief for me....after all of these years.
But I am rambling now, I will get on here when I can but the opportunities are few and far between.


  1. Stay in Grace Nikki - just go with how God means you to go every day- if you are always coming from love, it will all work out in the end. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this at 1 time, but I'm so grateful you have the hubs with you through it. Praying for you. God bless!

  2. I Love you NIkki and I am praying! GOd knew and knows and has equipped you for such a time as this!!! YOu are loved and missed! MAny blessings! just keep praising Him thru it all- G


I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.