Saturday, February 16, 2013

God is "Just in Time"

    As of late, I am once again in humbled awe at the awesomeness of God and His ability to always know what is best for me at every given moment. It is when my life gets so incredibly chaotic that I finally just throw my hands up in the air and say, "Okay, God, you've got this because I don't have the energy to focus my attention on this matter." This is when He seems to speak the most clear to me, or maybe this is when I tune in to listen.
   It is still premature to tell of all that He has been revealing to me: in due time, in due time. But, I do know that God is always "just in time." Of course, he is always "right on time," and never too early or too late--regardless of how we see it from our own human perspective, but "just in time." So where can we go to see this? What about in John 11:1-45? Jesus waited for 4 days before going to the home of Lazarus. When he got there, Martha said to him, "Lord, if you had of been here my brother would not have died." Martha trusted Jesus and had faith that he could have healed him and saved him from death, but she didn't have the faith that Jesus could raise him from the dead. But what did Jesus do? After 4 days, of certain rot and stinkiness, he walked right up to the tomb and called out to Lazarus. To the surprise of the onlookers, Lazarus got up and walked out still wrapped in the burial clothes...I can only imagine what those smelled like...
   But Jesus was just in time. Not just in time according to Martha's perspective, but just in time for Him to reveal something mighty and powerful to all of those who witnessed, and for those to later hear.
   What about in your life? What is He "just in time" for? Or what will you believe, in faith, that he will be "just in time" for, regardless if the moment seems fleeting or in the past? He is bigger than that.

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I am glad to share, I just pray that God uses my testimony to strengthen others. May you be encouraged in the Lord.