Sunday, November 8, 2015



I'll sing it again, "RECLAIMED!!!"

It seems another year has come and gone and we will soon welcome in 2016. It's hard to believe, but its even more amazing to look back over the past few years and see where we started, where we've been, where we are, and looking to where we are going.

I started this blog several years ago, when blogging was a relatively new concept, and somewhere along the way I allowed Life to interfere and I stopped blogging. Since then, the blogosphere has expanded exponentially. Our society has twisted and turned and is hardly recognizable. My family has grown, moved into 3 more homes and moved from the east coast back to the west coast, mended relationships, broken relationships, sent 4 of our kids into the public school system, started a prosperous business...and unfortunately, became relatively stagnant in our walk with God. Hey, I'm all about the honesty here...

Sometimes our walk with God is tight; sometimes we hear his whispers through the chaos of life. But then, there are the "other times:" times when we feel desolate, abandoned, forgotten. Times when we let "busy-ness" be the driving force of our lives... but the bottom-line is that we were never abandoned or forgotten, but it is God who we have abandoned and chose to forget.... loosely speaking.

Although we have never forgotten God, we have not honored him in way we would like lately. We have gone through a quiet season, a season where we haven't heard his whispers quite as loudly.

...but resounding proclamation "RECLAIMED" has echoed in our hearts the past few months and I find it fitting to "reclaim" this blog.