Monday, June 14, 2010

Been So Long

There is a time and season for everything under the sun (eccl 3:1) and knowing this gives me a smidge of comfort in confessing and apologizing for the months that my blog has stayed stagnant. During this season, my crazy yet beautiful life has once again changed drastically. My dear hubby returned home from a year overseas and our family has shared in the loss of our beloved Maggie, but welcomed the two new additions: Sadie, the Mastador, and sweet Dani, the latest and greatest to the Jonesy household, making us now a family of 7 and 2 dogs. We have moved as well; putting our house, on the "charming" Shasta Drive, up for rent and moving closer to Howard's work in hopes of dwindling down on our debt so that we can embark on that next big, great adventure.
So, as we turn another chapter in our lives, I invite you once again to join our journey as we embrace this world head-on sharing the love of Christ, in hopes of impacting the lives around us. Bless you my Friends.