Monday, April 27, 2009

The Lord knew I needed a laugh today

As a mother of four, two being girls and two being boys, I am finally learning some of the differences in boys and girls that they do not teach you school. I mean, some of the differences are obviously apparent but, are just plain hysterical.
I witnessed one of these differences today that had me bent over laughing so hard that the tears were like a river down my face.
The kids and I spent the majority of our morning consumed with breakfast and chores before we finally sat down to begin our school day. As always, Xander, the free spirit, was joyously romping through the house, climbing on furniture, stealing pencils, climbing atop our backs and just fervently trying to divert our attention from our studies to devote it to him. Always the attention seeker.
Today, our bible studies took us back to the beginning of Genesis to remind us of how mighty our creator really is. How he is so much bigger than our enormously vast universe and how He would take the time to create man, so tiny in comparison to the universe and heavens and yet so precious in His love that He created us in His image. We touched on the image of Jesus and how Jesus was there in the beginning, first being mentioned in Genesis 1:26 "Let us make man in our image," and then in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This was a perfect illustration of capital letter usage for proper nouns that are reserved for persons and places. We replaced the name "Word" with "Jesus" and were able to see how Jesus was with God during creation and how Jesus IS God. It was wonderful. But then we read on in Genesis to see how God created Adam a helper and she was a woman.
This was about the time that our little free spirit, who was romping about in nothing but a diaper, decided that it would be fun to explore with a little miniature version of a cooking utensil.
This past Christmas the younger two of the four received a plastic kitchen along with all of the cooking essentials to pretend that they were connoisseurs of the culinary arts. Among these utensils is a slotted spoon that has a looped wire type handle, about 4 inches long and only about 3/4 of an inch wide...the handle, not the whole spoon. we are studying man and woman, he tuckes the handle of the spoon down the front of the diaper. As I witnessed this from across the room, I told him to take it out, that sticking things down our pants was inappropriate--like he knows what that means! But he did indeed proceed to take it out, only to cringe up his cute little face and cry, "It hurt Mommy." So I apathetically called him to me and latched onto the little spoon to begin pulling it myself but only made him cry more...hmmm, it was time to investigate. Pulling the diaper out to find out why the little spoon caught, I learned another very real difference in little boys and little girls. Why would this happen? Little boys seem to have some interesting fetish with their extra body part. It is like a toy I suppose that can be poked, pulled, and manipulated for shear joy all because the opposite gender is with I suppose. But for my little free spirit, his whole little manly-hood hung in the balance of being caught, I mean, looped through the slot of the wire handle and was at the mercy of ME, the one trying to pull it out. So the "hook-n-latch" operation had to be unraveled to free him of the obvious pain of his pious situation.
And so, God created man and then created woman, whom by the way, is very much different in all respects!